Monthly Archives: November 2011

Some awesome sound-reactive particle dynamic art

That’s right.  You know you need some sound-reactive particle dynamic art as a part of your regular diet of awesomeness.   Honestly, who doesn’t?   At OK, This is Awesome, we’re here to fulfill that need:


The Awesomest College Promotional Video Ever

I’ve never heard of the University of Huddersfield, but it seems pretty awesome and now I totally want to go there.

Spectacularly Awesome Politico-Science Nerdery

Stephen Colbert spends an awesome 78 minutes geeking out and interviewing everyone’s favorite space nerd, Neil deGrasse Tyson. The actual interview starts about 6 minutes into the video.

Sports store advertising awesomeness

Clever advertising from Bear Mountain Sports.  Why am I not surprised that this store is located in Arizona?  This commercial is awesome.  I am a little surprised that this store is in California with this type of commercial.  You’ll understand when you watch it.

Hand pulled noodle awesomeness

This looks like it’s really hard to learn, but it’s awesome regardless.  I would imagine that success has a lot to do with the dough and practice.  Check out this awesome hand pulled noodle technique.

Awesomely awkward racism

Look, nobody is saying that racism is awesome.  It’s not.  But what is awesome is when some latent racism slams into a brick wall of yikes on a wholesome family entertainment TV game show:

Mocking Linkin Park in a totally awesome way

A perfect parody of Linkin Park. Could this guy be the next “Weird” Al?

Beyond awesome: a killer underwater slow-motion ice tornado

Jesus mutha-effing Chee-rist, nature is unbe-frigging-lievable.

Achieving Minority Report awesomeness: Step one complete

OK, so you want that kick-ass Minority Report user interface goodness, right?  Right, because that’s awesome.   So, here’s the good news: Mankind has made the first real step toward this new awesome reality.  The potentially less awesome aspect of this is that the imperial-sounding soundtrack behind this demo is a bit unnerving.

Now, nothing against our fine Russian comrades (they have contributed plenty of awesome in science), but when you choose to overlay over-the-top, Tchaikovsky-style patriotic overture music instead of unassumingly cool, hip, electro-pop computer-geeky tunes, you might be sending a message that this is a bit more than just a great new user interface innovation.    Just sayin’.  Still, it’s awesome:

This is not awesome so be careful

For those visitors who are celebrating the American holiday Thanksgiving please be careful when cooking your turkey if you plan on doing a deep fry.  Have a happy thanksgiving and be safe, from the team here at OKTIA.