Monthly Archives: November 2011

Car commercial awesomeness

You have to watch this video closely and make sure your sound is on to understand how awesome it is.

First Contact: Totally awesome cephalopod action

Check out this octopus climb out of the water, walk around, and leave a dead-crab gift for the onlookers. Was he simply saying, “Wassup?”, or was he saying, “Stop friggin’ looking’ at me!”?

Laser Harp awesomeness

OK, this isn’t just awesome, it’s bad ass.  Check out this Laser Harp!

Mondo Spider awesomeness

A 1,700 lb, 8-legged steel arachnid called Mondo Spider, yeah, that’s awesome.

RC airplane awesomeness

This is an interesting RC plane.  It’s a flying school bus that the folks over at took 2 years and 14 prototypes to build.  It’s a little silly, but still awesome.

Automatic paintball sentry awesomeness

This is awesome.  It’s an automated Paintball Sentry.  If someone can build one of these in their backyard, what do you think the military has!

Advertising awesomeness

Every once in a while an advertiser gets it right.  This is awesome.

Robots serving drinks awesomeness

I’m not sure what’s more awesome, the fact that people have built dozens of robots for the sole purpose of serving humans drinks, or that there has already been 4 annual BarBot conferences where new and better drink serving robots come out every year!

When a bridge meets a tunnel

What happens when a bridge and a tunnel make a baby?   Maybe one of these awesome bridge-tunnel things:

iBar awesomeness

The iBar is a 10 meter long bar interactive touch screen bar.  Anything that you place on it is recognized!